“It’s all in the ratio”
The art of the Renaissance weave, (Phi) the golden ratio & Fibonacci’s harmonious symmetries in nature, these are some of the key influences captured and stitched - for 2025, and probably beyond.
London_ Los Angeles_ Milan

[by Sheel Khemka]
Details shape us.
Cut with the beautiful precision of couture.
A new attitude, styled to work in tandem with the individual.
Active resistance to throw-away culture.
Just one planet.
It’s not just about now, it’s about forever.
We’re not a political movement, we’re rethinking.
LA made, designed in London. Details make us.
/RETHINKDENIM – a design philosophy.
c/o Sheel Khemka

Sheel Khemka takes inspiration from nature and
how it’s captivating symmetry reveals
a ratio repeated in the formation of
shells, sunflowers, honeybees, ocean
waves and hurricanes, also known as the
Golden Ratio, or Fibonacci sequence.
It is this ratio that gives them their inner
strength, integrity, and to our eye,
their beguiling beauty.

Ethical Intelligence by Sheel Khemka
It’s about that Eureka moment when you wake up one day and realise
that the world’s population is only increasing, and possibly exponentially.
Things just can’t carry on the way they are.
It’s just not sustainable.
And it’s not only about the climate.
It’s also the air quality, the quality of our neighbourhood - and of
nature. Also our basic self-respect as human beings, in having the right values, living in a civilised world ..
It’s also about keeping the world SAFE and relatively clean – for everyone, not just for us.
For future generations.
Let’s not forget all the other species who co-habit. They don’t pollute.
We simply can’t go on littering the planet, and on magnified, industrial scales at that - and believe that it won’t fester. That it will just disappear. Or indeed, bury our heads in the sand, in denial.
And then it’s about the oceans too. Now suddenly there’s the idea that sooner or later we’ll be literally swimming in our own s**t.
Ok, that’s a metaphor. Excuse the linguistics. But, God help us - let’s ensure this will, sure as steel, remain a metaphor.

Ring x Ring Denim – & its Role in the Circular Economy –
for a Sustainable Future.
Ring x Ring, or dual ring spun, is the traditional method for
producing denim which uses ring spun yarn both for warp and weft –
and is created by rolling rather than pressing the fibres into shape.
It has an uneven look and feel (slub) that is considered more
valuable and unique than open-ended yarn, and it also combines
properties of a soft, silk like hand with sheer strength and durability.
These qualities, together with its characterful slub, mean that
Ring x Ring lends itself well to ageing – almost like a fine wood bark.
And yet, as is often with traditional craft, Ring x Ring is a rarity
in today’s marketplace, found only in the uppermost
echelons of premium denim.
And so, it is somewhere between, on the one hand, the throes of a denim wear industry beset by an urgent need to recalibrate to the new eco-norm, and - on the other - this old time honoured love for the tinctured, motley grain of dual ring spun denim – that I see a surfeit of inspiration for 2025, and beyond.

Sustainable Denim, a Compact by Sheel Khemka
Of course, Ring x Ring denim isn’t that single one stop solution
to the great question of sustainability in fashion and denim. Although
fabric that’s capable of being loved and lived in for longer is certainly
part of the key.
What is being proposed is a seismic [industry-wide] shift to make that
break, unpick everything we’ve learnt before and recalibrate our
measure of success more holistically.
It starts from the ground up, from the farming of the cotton, to the
dyeing and the laundry, to the packaging and delivery, and then
again – to the after life of the jeans and what’s to be done with them
once they’re used beyond repair.
It also nees us to make that lasting pact with the environment,
to put back that which has been taken out
- as some depletion, however incidental – and however careful
we are – is always inevitable.
It is the inescapable by-product of creating
and producing things.