Sustainable Denim, a Compact by Sheel Khemka

Of course, Ring x Ring denim isn’t that single one stop solution
to the great question of sustainability in fashion and denim. Although
fabric that’s capable of being loved and lived in for longer is certainly
part of the key.

What is being proposed is a seismic [industry-wide] shift to make that
break, unpick everything we’ve learnt before and recalibrate our
measure of success more holistically.

It starts from the ground up, from the farming of the cotton, to the
dyeing and the laundry, to the packaging and delivery, and then
again – to the after life of the jeans and what’s to be done with them
once they’re used beyond repair.

It also nees us to make that lasting pact with the environment,
to put back that which has been taken out

- as some depletion, however incidental – and however careful
we are – is always inevitable.

It is the inescapable by-product of creating
and producing things.